Praise be to Allaah and blessings of Allaah be upon His Messenger and Chosen Prophet.
A Muslim’s faith may become weak and he may be overwhelmed by his desires.
The Shaytaan may make sin attractive to him, so he wrongs himself (commits sin) and falls into that which Allaah has forbidden.
But Allaah is Kind to His slaves, and His mercy encompasses all things.
Whoever repents after doing wrong, Allaah will accept his repentance, for Allaah is Forgiving and Merciful.
He commands all His slaves to repent sincerely so that they may gain the mercy of Allaah and His Paradise.
The gate of repentance is open to His slaves, until the sun rises from the west.
The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Allaah spreads out His Hand at night to accept the repentance of those who did wrong during the day, and He spreads out His Hand during the day to accept the repentance of those who did wrong during the night this will continue until the sun rises from the west.” (Narrated by Muslim, no. 2759)
Sincere repentance is not merely the matter of words spoken on the tongue.
Rather, the acceptance of repentance is subject to the condition that the person gives up the sin straight away, that he regrets what has happened in the past, that he resolves not to go back to the thing he has repented from, that he restores people’s rights or property if his sin involved wrongdoing towards others, and that he repents before the agony of death is upon him.
Allaah accepts repentance and is Merciful, He calls sinners to repent, so that He might forgive them.
Allaah is Kind to His slaves and loves those who repent, He accepts their repentance.
When a kaafir becomes a Muslim, Allaah turns his bad deeds (sayyi’aat ) into good deeds (hasanaat), and forgives him all his previous sins.
The mercy of Allaah encompasses all things, If a person’s sins are very great and he has wronged himself very much, but he then repents, Allaah will accept his repentance and will forgive his sins no matter how great they are.
Man is weak, if a person sins then he has to repent and seek forgiveness every time.
The Muslim is vulnerable to making mistakes and sins, so he has to repent and seek forgiveness repeatedly.
May Almighty Allaah forgive our sins and accept our repentance.
Gathered by: Abu Mardiy Kewdirôrun At-thaqoofiy