Praise be to Allaah and blessings of Allaah be upon His Messenger and Chosen Prophet.
In the past, it was far easier to successfully raise a family because society itself supported our efforts.
Today, almost everything around us tends to minimize positive family values and principles.
As our families are a part of an increasingly immoral society, they have been attacked and polluted as well whether we like it or not.
Even though our values and principles may have helped us to resist these changes, like others in our society, we are still vulnerable to the negative influences around us.
Those that are weak in their Islamic practice and that lack wisdom and judgment are particularly likely to succumb to the mental poisoning that takes place nowadays.
However, we cannot completely blame the times and the world we live in.
Husbands and wives, mothers and fathers, must accept responsibility for seeking to protect their families from anti-family society.
The occurrence of these problems within Muslim families of all backgrounds and circumstances indicates that the problems are “outside-in.”
When marriage is reduced to nothing more than two married people who live together but act as if they are single, the “spirit of family” disappears from the home!
When these couples choose to have an “I, me” orientation of life, rather than a “we, us” perspective, family members will not work together for the sake of the family, or enjoy being together.
When both father and mother are working outside of their homes for economic reasons and the care and education of their children are shifted to childcare providers and teachers.
The children are often deprived of having their emotional and intellectual needs adequately met.
When both parents don’t understand that their family’s well being must be a major priority and that they must sacrifice to build, protect, and reinforce their family, the family “building” falls down!
When Muslim families forget the importance in Islam of building a strong foundation for family life!
When spouses forget the rights that Allaah has given their mates over them, their love disappears.
Instead, anger, disagreements, and conflict take its place.
When fathers and husbands do not set aside a special time for their families to talk, laugh, communicate
When wives and mothers spend most of their time caring for young children and inside of the kitchen, tranquility and family success “go with the wind.”
When both forget to exercise and utilize the human gifts that Allah has bestowed upon them – patience, kindness, and understanding – the whole family pays a huge price.
May Almighty Allaah forgive our shortcomings
By: Abu Mardiy Kewdirôrun At-thaqoofiy