You can learn a lot about a person without them ever saying a word. You can find out if a person is interested in you, disgusted by you, or curious about you just by observing their body language. Reading body language isn’t easy and requires a lot of practice. There are tons of traps that can be misleading and it is wise to be cautious. You need to be able to read people’s body language because it will help us in personal and professional relationships. Not to mention parenting, family relationships, which politician to vote for, and dating.
Body language is just one of the techniques used to relay a message. Studies show that humans convey a message by relying on words (10%), tone of voice (40%), while the non-verbal communication makes up all the rest (50%). So how do you pick-up on the correct signals and read someone’s body language? These tricks should help you get the hang of it. Try to think of these as not individual signals but rather as a group of indicators which will give you a more reliable reading. Don’t worry; you’re in very good company
Eye contact
If the person makes eye contact, it is typically a sign of willingness to engage in conversation. But intense staring can be interpreted as curiosity or even hostility. Don’t allow yourself to stare, or at least don’t get caugh
In order to judge how genuine a smile is, look at the crows’ feet around the eyes. If these are involved, it is typically a gesture of gratitude. These are now called ‘joy lines’. If it is a twisted smile, there may be a little bit or sarcasm. A tight-lipped smile indicates it may be a signal of mistrust.
Eye movement
Always pay attention to their eye direction. If they are constantly moving towards the right, it may be a sign that they are inventing, lying or simply being creative. If they are generally looking left, it could be a sign they are trying to remember facts. If they are looking elsewhere while you are talking, they probably are not that interested in what you have to say
shaking hands
Most people see a limp handshake as negative. As the handshake is an important sign of friendship, it is a great way to tell how open a person is to meeting you. Keep in mind that musicians, doctors, and anyone whose jobs directly rely on their use of hands will be extra cautious to avoid hurting their hands.. A firm handshake is usually reassuring, although this too can be faked.
Crossing arms
This is usually a sign of defensiveness, but not always. It are often a sign the person feeling uncomfortable in a situation where he or she has no idea of what to do with his or her arms. Job interviewers are trained to watch for crossed arms when asking about a particular point on the candidate’s curriculum vitae (CV). It could be a warning signal that something is being hidden. But when you are in front of a person with crossed arms with a frown and clenched fists, then this may not only be defensive but hostile!