Praise be to Allaah and blessings of Allaah be upon His Messenger and Chosen Prophet.
Arrogance is a blameworthy characteristic which is the feature of Shaytaan and his cohorts in this world, those on whose hearts Allaah has placed a seal.
The first one who showed arrogance towards Allaah and His creation was the accursed Shaytaan, when Allaah commanded him to prostrate to Aadam and he refused and was arrogant, and said: “I am better than him (Aadam), You created me from fire, and him You created from clay.”
Arrogance is one of the characteristics of Shaytaan, so whoever wants to be arrogant should realize that he is acquiring a characteristic of the devils, and that he is not acquiring a characteristic of the noble angels who obeyed their Lord and fell down prostrate.
Arrogance may be the cause of a person being deprived of Paradise and may mean that the Lord of Glory will not even look at him as it was narrated in Saheeh Muslim Hadeeth 91.
Pride is an attribute that is not befitting for anyone except Allaah.
Whoever seeks to compete with Allaah in that, Allaah will destroy him, wreak vengeance on him and make things difficult for him as it was narrated in Saheeh Muslim Hadeeth, 2620.
What is meant by ‘seeks to compete with 'Allaah’ is seeking to acquire that characteristic in the sense of sharing in it.
This is a stern warning against arrogance which clearly demonstrates that it is Haraam.
Arrogance is of several types, including the following:
1 – When a person does not accept the truth and produces false arguments against it.
2 – When a person admires himself for his beauty or handsomeness, or the fineness of his food or clothing, so he feels proud and arrogant and feels superior to people.
Everyone who tries to be arrogant and put himself above others, Allaah will bring him down among the lowest of the low, and will humiliate him, because he is going against reality, so Allaah will punish him by thwarting his aims; the punishment is to fit the crime.
The one who is arrogant towards the people will be trampled beneath the feet of the people on the Day of Resurrection, as a punishment for his arrogance .
May Almighty Allaah forgive our shortcomings.
Gathered by: Abu Mardiy Kewdirôrun At-thaqoofiy