Having carefully listened to Prof. I. A. Olayinka’s interview on Diamond FM this morning, I can only conclude that age, education, experience, riches, power or bulgy eyes does not make you a man of integrity.Our vice chancellor has displayed what truly should be considered as gross misconduct by lying to the General Public. He has misrepresented lots of facts, and I feel the Students Union owes it as a duty to release a rebuttal statement on all the issues raised in that interview.1. He claimed that the University pays about #30million for 8 hours of electricity, but the truth is that months back when we used to have an average of 18 hours power supply, the monthly bill as published in the school bulletin was about #27million. His statement / analysis on the issue of power supply was completely misleading and should be corrected.2. He claimed that students take to the street to protest whenever there was a football match, and no power supply for us to watch the match. But the fact is that for all the protests staged during his tenure as Vice Chancellor, non was preceded by a football match. Another statement made to mislead the public.3. He claimed that Mote went to mobilize students from other higher institutions around Ibadan and Oyo state. Well he’s going to have to provide proof of evidence for that one sha.4. The VC said that Mote confessed to TAKING PART in the protest, and that letting out your grievance is not an offence under the constitution of the FRN. Then he needs to explain why taking part in a protest was interpreted as gross misconduct. And also, the school management needs to clearly define what should be considered as gross misconduct, because it seems that any act that questions their competence could be translated as ‘gross misconduct’. I wouldn’t be surprised if I am also charged for ‘gross misconduct’ after posting this.5. Also, the vice chancellor claimed that academic activities is still on, despite the fact that students are not in school. Abeg, what exactly is going on in school? Research? Inaugural lectures? Then like our Union President once said, let them change name of the school to ‘Ibadan Institute of Research’. We would then see how many lecturers would still get their ‘thinking’ allowance.I chose not to talk about his comments on NANS, because everything he said clearly shows how ignorant and uninformed our Vice Chancellor is.I implore fellow students of this albeit great University to disregard the lies told by our Vice Chancellor, and uphold the truth.Thanks
Posted by trugist9ja