Science teaches us not every living thing reproduces offspring via sexual intercourse,its known that only human and animal produces younger ones by sexual intercourse except some animals while plant reproduces sexually or asexually.

 Sexual reproduction in plants:

This is a situation wherby offsprings are produce by the fussion of Gametes,resulting in offspring genetically different from their parents.

Asexual reproduction in plant:

This is the production of offspring withouth the fussion of gametes and they are genetically identical to the parent plant and each other except when mutation occurs.

  Nothing has change these over centuries,but i cant believe there can be two Trees positioned in a doggy style over years,does that mean there is something hidden to scientist in science or plant and animal discovery,i dont understand,but all i believe is the "THE POWER OF GOD ALMIGHTY AND MIRACLE IS BEYOND THE HYPOTESIS,OBSERVATION,AND RESULT OF WORLD SCIENTIST"

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